
OALib Journal期刊

ISSN: 2333-9721




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( 2024 )


匹配条件: “ Sabina I.;Zamudio” ,找到相关结果约140085条。
Dos nuevas especies de Salvia(Lamiaceae) del centro occidente de México
Bedolla-García, Brenda Y.;Lara-Cabrera, Sabina I.;Zamudio, Sergio;
Acta botánica mexicana , 2011,
Abstract: in this study salvia mcvaughii and s. purepecha are described and illustrated as new species to science. the former is distributed in mexico in the states of guerrero and morelos and the latter in michoacan. s. mcvaughii has early deciduous, inconspicuous, lanceolate bracts, the calyx is puberulent with caudate teeth, two or four papillae are present on the inner side of the corolla, and has an evident stem node protuberance in the petiole articulation. s. purepecha has subpersistent, ovate to amply ovate, caudate bracts, calyx densely tomentose with caudate teeth, the inner side of the corolla lacking papillae, and the stem node protuberance in the petiole articulation can also be seen. both species would be allied to s. polystachya and thus belong to section polystachyae for sharing the diagnostic characters of the section. nonetheless their definite circumscription to epling's sections is pending the reassessment of the sections to attain a natural classification.
Dos nuevas especies de Salvia (Lamiaceae) del centro occidente de México
Brenda Y. Bedolla-García,Sabina I. Lara-Cabrera,Sergio Zamudio
Acta botánica mexicana , 2011,
Abstract: En este trabajo se describen e ilustran como especies nuevas Salvia mcvaughii y Salvia purepecha. La primera es conocida de los estados de Guerrero y Morelos, la segunda proviene de Michoacán. S. mcvauhgii se caracteriza por presentar brácteas lanceoladas tempranamente caducas, cáliz puberulento con los dientes caudados y por la presencia de dos a cuatro papilas en el interior del tubo de la corola, así como por una marcada extensión del nudo en donde se articula el peciolo. S. purepecha presenta brácteas subpersistentes, ovadas a ampliamente ovadas, caudadas, cáliz densamente tomentoso con dientes caudados, carece de papilas en el interior del tubo de la corola y también se aprecia la extensión del nudo donde se articula el peciolo. De acuerdo con la clasificación del subgénero Calosphace de Epling, ambas se ubican provisionalmente en la sección Polystachyae y son afines a S. polystachya. Sin embargo, su ubicación definitiva queda pendiente hasta que se haga una reevaluación de la circunscripción de las secciones de Epling para lograr una clasificación natural.
Descriptive attributes used in the characterization of stingless bees (Apidae: Meliponini) in rural populations of the Atlantic forest (Misiones-Argentina)
Fernando Zamudio, Norma I Hilgert
Journal of Ethnobiology and Ethnomedicine , 2012, DOI: 10.1186/1746-4269-8-9
Abstract: The methodology used involves semi-structured interviews and trips with the informants to rural areas. Locally known ethnospecies are characterized, descriptive traits and salient criteria used in those characterizations are identified, and the frequency of reference of descriptive traits and salient criteria are estimated. Besides, the descriptive traits used for each ethnospecies are compared, and the contribution of the characterizations as a heuristic strategy in the study of folk classification systems is analyzed.The use of 19 biological descriptors (grouped according to 4 salient criteria) and of comparisons among ethnospecies was found. Results suggest the existence of group and specific descriptors. Researchers identified which ethnospecies are considered similar, how less important traits contribute to descriptions, the relation between specific descriptors and ethnospecies, the presence of cognitive prototypes, and the most relevant salient properties from the emic perspective.The estimated importance of attributes descriptors allowed us to identify the spectrum of salient properties relevant from the emic perspective to characterize the stingless bees. In this sense, the analysis proposed here is useful to study folk taxonomy in culturally heterogeneous groups or multicultural regions, where the linguistic elements usually employed cannot be applied.Los seres humanos, al identificar y clasificar a los organismos emplean una combinación de características morfológicas, sensoriales, utilitarias, culturales y ecológicas. Entre los aportes generados desde la etnotaxonomía, se ha obtenido información sobre los caracteres utilizados para identificar y clasificar una gran diversidad de grupos taxonómicos. Sin embargo, aún faltan trabajos donde se comparen los caracteres utilizados en las descripciones de taxones y se analice en qué medida estos descriptores se encuentran representados. Las abejas sin aguijón conforman un diverso grupo de insectos sociales que h
Jadranka Garmaz – Matthias Scharer, “U?enje” vjere, Kako osmisliti i voditi proces u?enja vjere? Komunikativnoteolo?ka koncepcija, Glas Koncila, Zagreb, 2014., 303 stranice
Marun?i, Sabina
- , 2015,
Abstract: Sa?etak Prikaz knjige Jadranke Garmaz i Matthiasa Scharera, “U?enje” vjere, Kako osmisliti i voditi proces u?enja vjere? Komunikativnoteolo?ka koncepcija, Glas Koncila, Zagreb, 2014., 303 stranic
Slovenke na tr?i?tu rada – povijesna perspektiva
?nidar?i? ?agar, Sabina
- , 2009,
Abstract: Sa?etak Visoka radna aktivnost ?ena u Sloveniji (Kranjska, Dravska banovina, SR Slovenija, Republika Slovenija) je, kako na podru?ju i u vrijeme Austro-Ugarske, Kraljevine Jugoslavije, SFRJ tako i u sklopu europske integracije tj. EU, usporediva posebnost. Uz to treba naglasiti da su u nas ?ene ina?e ?e??e djelovale u svijetu mjerljivog rada, nego ?to je to zna?ajka drugih usporedivih prostora, ali da su to ipak radile na posebne na?ine. Iako su u nas ?ene stupile na tr?i?te rada u isto vrijeme kao i mu?karci, za njih su vrijedila druk?ija pravila, pa su i posljedice prijelaza na kapitalisti?ke na?ine stjecanja druk?ije. Za ?enski rad na tr?i?tu pla?enog rada mo?emo oblikovati tri aksioma koji imaju zbog svoje stereotipne ustrajnosti jo? i danas negativne u?inke na polo?aj ?ena u svijetu mjerljivoga rada: 1. ?ene su za jednak rad pla?ene manje nego mu?karci; 2. zanimanja koja se feminiziraju gube na dru?tvenoj mo?i i 3. jo? uvijek ustraje podjela na mu?ka i ?ena zanimanja
Istanbulska konvencija
Marun?i, Sabina
- , 2019,
Abstract: Sa?etak Dubravka Hrabar, Istanbulska konvencija i zamke rodne perspektive, Sveu?ili?na tiskara d.o.o., Zagreb, 2018., 100 str
Result of study managed in 6 years-needle aponeurotomy technique
PA?I, Sabina
- , 2016,
Abstract: Hr?ak ID: 16348
Hod?i, Sabina
- , 2015,
Abstract: Sa?etak As of 1 July 2013, i.e. with Croatia’s accession to the European Union, the number of Member States of the European Union rose to 28. The diversity of tax systems among the Member States causes interferences in cross-border activities of tax firms. That encourages transfer of income to countries with lower tax rates. The aim of this paper is to present the main points of view on the implications of the introduction of the Common Consolidated Corporate Tax Base (CCCTB) in Croatia. This paper also estimates the effects of the prospective apportionment procedure on corporate group entities in Croatia. The acceptance of the CCCTB system will make Croatia attractive to foreign investors. It will also enable foreign multinational companies to do business in Croatia, which will contribute to its economic growth
Va?nost suradnje vlasnika obiteljskih arhiva i muzejskih ustanova na primjeru obiteljske arhive Ru?e Klein Me?trovi?
Ka?telan?i, Sabina
- , 2018,
Abstract: Sa?etak Klju?nu ulogu u novim spoznajama o umjetnici Ru?i Klein Me?trovi? imale su fotografije, odnosno usporedba fotografske gra?e i dokumenata u muzejskim ustanovama i onih u obiteljskoj arhivi. Tome svakako treba pridodati i va?nost digitalizacije fotografske gra?e jer je tek njezinom primjenom uvelike olak?an uvid u sve pojedinosti neke snimke koja, primjerice, datira iz prva dva desetlje?a 20. st., a mogu?nost velikog pove?anja fotografija svakako rezultira novim podatcima
Hod?i, Sabina
- , 2013,
Abstract: Sa?etak Tax incentives for research and development represent an important tax relief within corporate income tax. B-index helps to detect differences in the influence of tax system on private sector to invest in research and development. The main objective of this paper is to present tax incentives for research and development, and calculation of B-index in Austria and Croatia. B-index results show better treatment of R&D tax incentives in Croatia than in Austria. B-index value in Croatia is 1,09 and in Austria 1,25. Fiscal policy leaders must pay attention to offer tax incentives that are stimulative enough for companies not to lose interest in their use. Otherwise, country would only have short-term revenue in the budget. In order to increase state budget, it is very important to collect sufficient revenues from the corporate income tax

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